Birthday Parties
Come and celebrate with the best in entertainment

Celebrate your Birthday or Party at UEC Theatres!
Party Room Rental Includes:
- Use of the Party Room for up to 1 ½ hours to open presents, eat cake and play party games. Bring your video game system and hook it up to our TV, or use our Blu-Ray player to watch team highlight videos.
- You can use the room either before or after the show based on availability.
- Free refills on popcorn and drink purchases!
- Enjoy your cake or snack, and please clean-up and dispose of trash.
- Rental also includes the periodic assistance of a staff member to help you.
- All of this for a very reasonable price per person! (Minimum of 8 people)
- Amenities and party options vary by location. Please bring it up if you have an idea!
Please fill out the Event Request Form to get started. Your local theatre personnel will contact you directly to confirm the date and time and work out any other details. Parties are NOT confirmed until you hear back from the local Manager that your party is confirmed.
Allow a minimum of 7 business days to make party arrangements and confirm details with the Theatre. Saturdays are the most popular days, so plan well in advance.
Birthday Parties are only available in Greenville, Lebanon & Cleveland.